As of the first week of May 2023, 650 tools created based on ChatGPT have been registered in Aifindy, There's an AI for That, Futurepedia and Futuretools, the reference repositories of software operated by artificial intelligence. In other words, 258 more ChatGPT-based tools and apps were created in April 2023 alone.

The obtained sample has been classified into the following categories: Productivity, Verification, Platforms and Social Networks, Multimedia Editing, Media and Information, Education and Culture, Utilities, Entertainment, Life Support, and Experimentation.

The first category (Productivity) is the one with the highest number of resources (n= 262/ 650), which shows that efforts are more concentrated on the development of solutions for the work environment of various kinds: business, marketing, SEO, programming and even writing. In other words, today 40% of the creation of ChatGPT-based solutions  is focused on such purposes, according to the sample in these repositories.


There is no precise record of the start date of these ventures, but Futurepedia data refer us to the first week of January 2023.

Throughout March 2023, there was a considerable increase in the production of ChatGPT-based tools and applications, especially in the Productivity category. This coincides with the launch of ChatGPT-4. However, April alone reports a considerable increase in the creation of ChatGPT-based resources, despite warnings from the major technology players to slow down this process a bit.

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